Vulva Voices - Reflection by Anonymous

All vulvas are beautiful. My vulva shares a story, a story of traumas, repression, strength and now freedom. I was traumatized as a young girl, told to ignore and shut off the desires of my body until marriage. I was also molested by someone close to me. Both of these experiences truly disassociated myself from my vulva and the love and affection my body deserves. I now have a wonderful marriage and a beautiful daughter. The non-medicated birthing experience was extremely empowering. To push through I channeled all of the women before me who had the experience I was going through. I was left with a tear, that has since healed. But I felt ugly and imperfect after having my vulva change appearance. Our bodies are beautiful and perfect. I am whole and I am beginning to love, listen, and acknowledge my body in a profound way. I hope that you can speak your truth, no matter how scary or uncomfortable. Listen to what your body has been calling out to you to hear.


Vulva Voices - Vulva Shoot Reflection by Anonymous


Vulva Voices - Reflection by anonymous